
Posted by canine-organics

50 Low fat dog biscuits for portly dogs buy 2 bags get 1 bag free

50 Low fat dog biscuits for portly dogs buy 2 bags get 1 bag free

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£9.99 £10.99 Save 9%

50 Dog biscuits specifically baked for dogs with Liver or pancreatic issues. Poached salmon, home grown beetroot and fresh parsley. A safe and effective treatment for a range of Liver conditions. The flours, herbs, and the ingredients I use in this recipe can stimulate the growth of new Liver cells to replace the dead or damaged cells. This recipe also can be used as a preventative measure by thinning a dog's bile. This is a high fiber, low-fat dog biscuit. If your dog has serious Liver/pancreatitis issues, the fiber in these biscuits slows the glucose into your dog's bloodstream making your dog feel full. Each biscuit contains no more than 0.0078g of fat per biscuit.